Birth Center

Restricted visiting guidelines

As of March 24, 2022, we have updated visitor guidelines.

Also, Allina Health Birth Center tours have been cancelled until further notice. Birth Center RNs are available to answer your questions. Please call 763-684-7025 to schedule your conversation.

COVID-19: What expecting and new parents should know

COVID-19 has caused stress and worry for expecting and new parents. Get answers for many of the questions you may have about coronavirus during pregnancy and after childbirth, and learn about additional resources to help you during this time.

Put your trust in us

We see a lot of babies and births each year - 600 annually at Owatonna Hospital. Our staff has decades of experience helping babies and their families get started.

Welcoming a baby into the world is an exciting time for many families. We offer care for pregnancy and childbirth and work with you to make your birth personal and comfortable.

At Owatonna Hospital, moms and families can enjoy the new amenities in our new Birth Center.

Labor and delivery

You will experience labor and delivery in a comfortable, home-like private suite. Each labor and delivery room features a TV, CD player, sleeper chair, telephone, bathroom with shower and Jacuzzi tub and equipment needed for your birth, such as fetal monitor to measure your contractions, the baby's heart rate and other vital signs.

The Birth Center at Owatonna Hospital also offers integrative therapy services to new moms before, during and after delivery. These services include aromatherapy, massage therapy, guided imagery and breathing techniques. Lavender oil is being used for postoperative pain and to increase comfort. The other oils used are mandarin, ginger and sweet marjoram, and are given as inhalers or topicals.

If you require delivery via cesarean section, we have a dedicated operating room. Visitors are welcome in your labor room at any time.

Classes, tours and support groups

Are you prepared for your birth experience?

Whether this is your first baby or you are welcoming another addition to your family, you will find our classes helpful. Our classes are taught by Allina Health Parent Educators who are committed to prepare you for the birth experience. Our classes are offered to meet your needs, with weekday classes held in the evening.

Childbirth Preparation. Covers what to expect during labor and delivery plus infant care and breastfeeding. Choose to attend a series of three weekday evening classes. 

Breastfeeding Basics and Hospital Tour. A one evening class for women not taking the Childbirth Preparation class or who would like more information about breastfeeding.

For questions or to register, call 507-977-2401 (please leave a message) or email

Contact us

To schedule a tour or for more information, call 507-977-2455.

A young hispanic woman cradles her newborn baby against her cheek and smiles
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