Need help?
Call 612-262-9000612-262-9000 and we’ll assist you with any billing questions.
Can’t pay all at once?
You may qualify for a payment plan or financial assistance.
You can pay your bill online by referring to the code in the upper right corner of your paper statement. Click the payment link below that corresponds to the type of code on your statement. Click on the images to view larger statement examples.
myEasyMatch code
Pay your bill now, using your myEasyMatch code.
Look for the myEasyMatch code in the upper right corner of your statement, just above the account number.
Bill ID code
Pay your bill now using your Bill ID code.
Look for the Bill ID in the upper right corner of your statement, under the patient name and account number.
We recently upgraded our billing system to ensure that you have a simple, clear and convenient payment experience. It’s now easier than ever to view and manage your medical bills digitally using a mobile device or computer: