As a
pediatrician, former youth
hockey coach and father to a young child, I love the Olympics. I, like the
entire world, become captivated by the spectacular athletic performances and
inspired by the stories of perseverance. What I also love is how the Olympics
provides a wonderful opportunity for me as a pediatrician to connect with the
children I care for because many are involved in youth sports.
talking sports and the Olympics with children, I try to focus on the
sportsmanship, camaraderie and athletic journey rather than only the final
outcome or winning. So, how do you instill in a child how to be respectful and
gracious in losing? Here are some tips I share with my patients and their families
and also incorporate in my own life.
a different kind of pep talk
the game or season, consider a pep talk at home not focused on winning, but on
developing their skills, supporting teammates and having fun. As with many
situations, if you can get ahead of what may become a concern, it’s easier to
deal with when it happens.
the example
Children are very
observant and often times mirror the actions and attitudes of adults. If they
see you upset about a penalty or frustrated with the coach, those actions
become acceptable to them. Just like your child, remember the game is about
encouraging an active lifestyle, building teamwork and having fun.
your child to cheer for teammates
teammates and celebrating their successes helps build a sense of camaraderie
and community. It reminds them to be considerate and to think beyond their own
for failure
Children benefit from
learning to do things for themselves because of both the struggle and possible
failure that may come with it. The emotional benefits include building the
willingness to keep trying, improving focus and developing ways to internally
process failure. Critical thinking can also be enhanced as they problem solve
to identify a different solution or tactic.
Acknowledge frustration and sadness are normal
reactions to losing
Winning innately
feels good and losing innately doesn’t feel as good. Reassure your child that
it is OK and normal to feel frustrated or sad if they didn’t win the big game.
Allow them to sit in that space for just a little bit. These feelings aren’t
“bad”. You just don’t want them to stay in that frustration or sadness for too
long. After acknowledging that it’s OK to feel sad, try to highlight what went
well or the fun that was had.