how to pack a school backpack to lessen back strain


Heavy backpack blues

Sometimes back-to-school comes with unwanted back pain. Piling books, school supplies, athletic equipment, water bottles and more into a backpack makes the weight add up quick. Here's how to keep your kids safe from backpacks that are too heavy.

Heavy backpack blues - infographic

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Heavy backpack blues

[Image of weight scales, one down, one up]
Pack light if you can

Maximum weight 10-15% of the student's body weight

[Image of backpack]
Tighten the straps
Use both shoulder straps

[Image of person bending over holding lower back]
Don't ignore back pain. See pediatrician if needed.
Pack heavy stuff in the bottom

Source: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons

Healthy Set Go by Allina Health


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