interval training (HIIT) is a specialized form of training that involves short
intervals of maximum intensity exercise, followed by longer intervals of low-
to moderate-intensity exercise. The key element of HIIT, that makes it
different from other forms of interval training, is that its intervals involve
maximum effort, not simply a higher heart rate.
How HIIT works
The intense
exercise interval may range from five seconds to eight minutes performed at 80 to
95 percent of your estimated max heart rate (the maximum number of times your
heart will beat in a minute without overexerting yourself). The shorter the
interval the less time you will have to get your heart rate up so the higher
your intensity must be. During this interval of maximum effort, you're pushing
your body into the anaerobic zone. Use the "talk-test" as your guide;
it should be difficult to carry on a conversation. You can also have a VO2 max
test done to identify your target heart rate zones.
The lower intensity
exercise interval, or recovery interval, may last as long or longer as the
intense interval and usually performed at 40 to 50 percent of your estimated
maximum heart rate. This would be physical activity that felt very comfortable,
in order to help you recover and prepare for your next intense interval. It
should be easy to carry on a conversation during the recovery interval.
The workout
continues with the alternating higher intensity and lower intensity exercise
for a duration of 20-60 minutes.
Why HIIT should be part of your
workout routine
- Enhance your current routine. HIIT isn't a new fitness routine you need to
learn or buy new equipment for. It's actually something you can incorporate
into your current preferred exercise: running, cycling, walking, swimming,
elliptical training and even group fitness classes.
- Burn more calories in less time. HIIT workouts provide similar fitness benefits
as steady-state endurance workouts (running at the same pace for full workout),
but in shorter periods of time. This is because HIIT workouts tend to burn more
calories during and after the workout, about 6 to 15 percent more calories than
traditional workouts.
- Lose more fat. The effects of all those high-intensity intervals pushes your body into hyper-repair
mode. That means your body burns more fat and calories in the 24 hours after a
HIIT workout than you do after a steady-state endurance workout.
- Keep your muscle mass. Steady-state endurance workouts seem to
encourage muscle and fat loss, while HIIT allow you to preserve hard-earned
muscles while ensuring most of the weight loss comes from fat stores.
- See quicker results. Just two weeks of HIIT improves your aerobic
capacity as much as six to eight weeks of endurance training, according to a
study by the American College of Sports Medicine.
Before you begin
If you've been
living a rather sedentary lifestyle or had long periods of physical inactivity,
jumping right into a HIIT routine is not a good idea. Prior to beginning HIIT
training you should establish a foundational level of fitness (or base fitness
level) that consists of aerobic and strength training. Medical clearance from a
physician may be an appropriate safety measure for anyone with a history of
smoking, hypertension, diabetes, abnormal cholesterol levels, coronary disease
or obesity.
There are many
different approaches to HIIT, each involving different numbers of high and low
intensity intervals, different levels of intensity, different lengths of time
for each interval and different numbers of training session per week. If you
want to use HIIT for a particular sport or activity, you'll need to tailor your
training to your specific needs. Learn more about how to get started with your
own routine during the free webinar Exercise HIIT Training Basics.
Also keep in mind
that HIIT workouts are more exhaustive then steady-state endurance workouts. So
you'll need a longer recovery time between workouts. Maybe start with one HIIT
training workout a week and as you feel ready for more challenge add a second
HIIT workout.