Five steps to prevent gestational diabetes
Approximately 135,000 pregnant women in the United States develop gestational
diabetes every year. Gestational diabetes is an illness in which the pregnancy
interferes with the mother's insulin production or its efficient use.
who are most at risk for developing gestational diabetes:
- are Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian American
or Pacific Islander
- are overweight
before pregnancy
- have a family
member with diabetes
- are 25 or older
- had gestational
diabetes in a previous pregnancy
- previously had a very large baby (9 pounds or more) or a stillbirth
Below are five steps you can take to help avoid developing
gestational diabetes during your pregnancy.
1. Maintain healthy body weight. Discuss
with your doctor what a healthy weight is for you during your pregnancy. Post-delivery weight management tips:
- Breastfeeding helps to get back to your normal pre-pregnancy
- If you are overweight, just losing five to seven percent of your
body weight can help reduce risk. If you weigh 180 pounds, losing just nine
pounds can improve your health.
- Bonus: Shedding some pounds will also get you in better shape for
the rigors of motherhood.
2. Get
regular physical activity, if your condition allows it. This can
help keep your glucose levels healthy. In one study, researchers found that
women who were physically active before and during their pregnancy reduced
their risk by about 70 percent. The women got about four hours of physical
activity per week.
- During pregnancy, walking and swimming are good choices. Others
include bicycling, yoga and low-impact aerobics.
- Your doctor can tell you how much physical activity to aim for and
how often. It depends upon your overall health.
3. Have your blood sugar tested
early. Ask your doctor about your blood sugar level to see if it is
on target. Have your blood sugar tested as early as three months before you get
pregnant to see if it is in a normal range.
4. Include fiber in each meal such
as fruits, veggies, whole-grain
breads, whole-grain crackers and cereals.
5. Limit sweets. Especially
sugars coming from beverages and desserts.
Tips for emotional health during pregnancy and COVID-19
Posted April 23, 2020
As an expecting parent, these times of uncertainty during coronavirus can be nerve wracking. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused people a lot of stress and worry, so The Mother Baby Center wanted to check in on our people – pregnant mothers and their support systems.
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