Protect your home by having properly working smoke detectors throughout your house. Replace the batteries each spring and fall. If you have hardwired smoke detectors, check them twice a year.
Have one working fire extinguisher for every level of your home.
Have a fire escape plan and practice with your child. Teach your child how to use 911.
Have a designated place to meet in the neighborhood if you have to leave your house. Practice this with your child.
Teach your child not to play with matches, lighters or gas stoves. Tell your child about the dangers of fire.
Call your local fire station to see if you can take your child there for a field trip.
If you smoke, keep the tobacco products, matches and lighters out of your child's sight.
Teach your child what to do if their clothing catches fire: stop, drop and roll.
Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers may earn you a discount on your homeowner's insurance.
Source: Allina Health's Patient Education, Guide for the Care of Children: Ages Birth to 5, sixth edition, ped-ah-91554