Be prepared for your hospital stay
Having surgery?

What You Need to Know About Surgery
This manual can help ease your mind about having an operation by letting you know what to expect before surgery and after surgery.

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  • read discharge instructions
  • view test results and medications
  • manage clinic appointments
  • complete your visit registration while you wait. You will receive a link via email or text upon arrival in the emergency department.

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Be prepared for your hospital stay

Research shows that patients who take an active role in their health care can have better outcomes than those who don't.

Here's some simple advice on how you, as a patient, can make your hospital stay a good experience.

11 tips to prevent falls while you are in the hospital
Certain medicines, general weakness, and new surroundings during your hospital stay can increase your risk of falling.

How to prevent infections during your hospital stay
Cleansing hands is the easiest way to reduce the risk of spreading germs that cause infections.

Planning for your hospital discharge
Your doctor and health care team will talk with you about when you will leave the hospital.

Safe patient moving
If you cannot fully move yourself, your caregivers will help keep you safe by using safe patient moving equipment.

SPEAK UP for your health care
Speak up if you have questions or concerns. If you don't understand, ask again. It's your body and you have a right to know.

Your rights and responsibilities as a patient
You have certain rights and responsibilities as a patient in a Minnesota hospital. These rights and responsibilities help you take an active role in your health care and promote your well-being and recovery.

Clear communication means good care

The Teach-back Method is a way for health care providers to make sure they are communicating clearly with their patients.

During a hospital stay, your doctor or other caregiver will say, "I want to make sure I communicated clearly. Could you tell me what you heard me say?" Then, if needed, information can be presented another way that's easier for you to understand.

Have you guys heard of Teach-back?

What's Teach-back?

Teach-back is a new way of educating patients, where they have to state to you in their own words what you're teaching them about. Studies have shown benefits, especially for patients recalling information.

Allina Health has begun work with the Institute for Health Care Improvement, to improve patient education. The focus was to study heart failure patients at Unity, but what we have found can be applied to all patients. The first thing we learned was that we tend to teach in too much detail.

In the next few minutes, you're going to see demonstrated, the Teach-back technique. Many of us learned in medical school and nursing school how important patient education is. One of the things that we don't really realize is that only about 50 percent of what we teach patients is retained. So by the time my patients leave my office and end up in the waiting room, half of what I've told them has been lost.

Now here's your copy of the after visit summary that we just went over. Now I want to be sure that I did a good job explaining about asthma and your inhaler. What will you say to your family, when you leave the clinic today?

Well, they know I had the appointment, so they're going to want to know how it went, and I'll just have to let them know the doctor says I have asthma and that I need to start using an inhaler.

Yep, that's right. Can you tell me a little bit about asthma? You can start and I can fill in some details.

Sure, from what I understand my lungs get clogged and it makes it hard for me to breathe sometimes and one of the things I've been told to stay away from are smokers.

That's right. Let's take a look here at your after visit summary and then also this packed called managing your asthma and you're right, asthma can cause the airways in your lungs to get inflamed and constricted, making it hard to breathe, but your inhaler will help things open up, so you can breathe a little bit easier.


And I'm glad you mentioned smoking. Staying away from smoking is the right thing to do, along with staying away from these other things listed here in your packet. These things are called triggers. And can you think of any other triggers that might be around you?

Yep, one in particular, our neighbors – we do a lot with our neighbors and they have two old English sheepdogs and they're always with them and when they come over to our house, those dogs always are leaving big clouds of fur behind, so I'm sure that's something I'm going to have to start keeping an eye out for.

Yeah, that's right. Sounds good. Now you said you work full time?


Okay, when do you think you'll be able to use your inhaler?

Well I plan on using it in the morning, when I get ready for work and then I'll plan on taking that second dosage when I get home from work in the evening.

That's perfect. That's exactly what the doctor has written in your instructions here on your after visit summary.


And also on this after visit summary, you can find the steps that we went through on how to use your inhaler. Okay.

Okay, no, this, this will help, because I know when I leave here, I'll probably forget half of it and I know when I tell my family, I'm going to have to start using an inhaler. They're going to be asking about how often are you using it?


And I'll be able to show them this and let them know exactly what I need to do.

Yeah, that's a great idea, to have this and this packet out and available for you or your family to grab, if you need to. That's great. Now before we leave, would you show me how to use your inhaler?


It looks like you got it. Now feel free if you think of any questions definitely call the clinic.

Sure, thank you.

You're welcome.

The Teach-back Method also known as the Show Me Method validates the patient's clear understanding and also allows us to evaluate how well we gave the information.