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[MPR News, February 11, 2020]   Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. More women die from heart attacks than men. Learn what women need to know about heart health.
February 11, 2020
[KDWA Radio, February 07, 2020]   Allina Health's Change to Chill program is making a difference at Hasting High School. Kim Hoff, a Hastings High counselor, Simon Hedin, a Hastings High School student and Change to Chill intern, and Susan Nygaard, manager, Community Health Improvement at Allina Health, were interviewed on KDWA about how Change to Chill is working at Hastings High school.
February 07, 2020
[Minnesota Public Radio, January 17, 2020]   Drinking alcohol is a big part of how we socialize. But increasingly, people are choosing to abstain for a month or more for personal reasons. Learn more.
January 17, 2020
[WCCO Radio, December 23, 2019]   Flu season is kicking in early this year. In particular influenza B is the predominant strain which tends to hit kids more than the elderly. Learn more.
December 23, 2019
[Pioneer Press, December 12, 2019]   Allina Health will step in to provide health care at Springfield’s clinic once Mayo Clinic Health System vacates the southwestern Minnesota site in March. The city of Springfield and Allina unveiled the new partnership Thursday.
December 12, 2019
[KDWA Radio, December 03, 2019]   If you haven't had to go to the emergency department at Regina Hospital lately, you might not know many of the great services they've added since the remodeled department opened three years ago. Emergency department medical director Dr. Justin Pattee and hospital president Helen Strike talked with KDWA about all of its capabilities.
December 03, 2019
[MPR News, October 28, 2019]   Winter may not officially arrive for another two months but the temperatures are already starting to take a dive. How do you deal with the cold, snow & ice?
October 28, 2019
[WCCO, January 01, 0001]   WCCO Radio, Oct. 19, 2019] Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is back on the campaign trail weeks after suffering a heart attack.
October 19, 2019
[WCCO Radio, September 20, 2019]   The number of deaths & hospitalizations associated with vaping continues to rise. Dr. Andrew Stiehm shares the latest on the vaping-related illnesses.
September 20, 2019
[MPR, September 20, 2019]   A statement posted Thursday night on the Hennepin County attorney’s website sparked outrage in the overdose prevention and drug recovery communities.
September 20, 2019