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[WCCO-TV, July 20, 2016]   Surveys show most of us don't know much about the sunscreen our doctors say we should use when ever we go out in the sun. Allina Health Clinic dermatologist, Dr. Elizabeth Farhat talked to WCCO-TV to lay out the basics about what we should all know about sunscreen.
July 20, 2016
[KMSP Fox 9, July 04, 2016]   You can't be reminded often enough in the summer to wear sunscreen. Allina Health Clinics dermatologist, Dr. Elizabeth Farhat , talked with Fox 9 about sunscreen basics.
July 04, 2016
[KMSP-TV, May 18, 2016]   We know we need to protect our skin from sun exposure. Dr. Sanober Amin , an Allina Health dermatologist, says there are better ways than sunscreen.
May 18, 2016
[KMSP-TV, February 17, 2016]   Cold weather is in full force here in Minnesota, and you know what that means—skin feels dry and itchy, and painful eczema flares up. Allina Health dermatologist Dr. Sanober Amin talked about some simple ways to help our skin feel better.
February 17, 2016