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[City Pages, March 18, 2020]   In the Minnesota-Dakotas region, 80 Red Cross blood drives—the equivalent of 2,500 donations—have been canceled. Yet the need for blood is constant .
March 18, 2020
[City Pages, June 09, 2016]   Every Monday at 7 a.m., Janet Kuhrmeyer arrives at the Mother Baby Center of United Hospital in St. Paul. She always goes straight for the antiseptic wipes and gives the computer keyboards and the supply cabinets, constantly in use by doctors and nurses, a good once-over.
June 09, 2016
[City Pages, May 04, 2016]   On a spring afternoon, Walton skate park is a brutal wash of white, a valley of scuffed concrete and sheet metal fixed in the shadow of the Oakdale police station. Lanky young men in their 20s with bruised knees and banged-up boards — the reigning generation of neighborhood skaters who own this humble place — line the cramped plateau of a quarter pipe.
May 04, 2016