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[KDWA Radio, February 07, 2020]   Allina Health's Change to Chill program is making a difference at Hasting High School. Kim Hoff, a Hastings High counselor, Simon Hedin, a Hastings High School student and Change to Chill intern, and Susan Nygaard, manager, Community Health Improvement at Allina Health, were interviewed on KDWA about how Change to Chill is working at Hastings High school.
February 07, 2020
[KDWA Radio, December 03, 2019]   If you haven't had to go to the emergency department at Regina Hospital lately, you might not know many of the great services they've added since the remodeled department opened three years ago. Emergency department medical director Dr. Justin Pattee and hospital president Helen Strike talked with KDWA about all of its capabilities.
December 03, 2019
[KDWA-AM, September 16, 2019]   For the 2019-2020 school year, Allina Health’s Change to Chill (CTC) School Partnership has expanded to include16 new area high schools, in addition to providing continued support to schools that participated in the Partnership last year. “Allina Health, through its CTC program, is helping teens manage stress, improve their mental well-being and build resiliency,” Susan Nygaard, Allina Health’s Manager of Community Health Improvement told KDWA Radio in Hastings.
September 16, 2019
[KDWA Radio, July 30, 2019]   New president of Allina Health's Regina & River Falls Area Hospitals Helen Strike sat down with KDWA's Maureen McNeary to talk about her early impressions.
July 30, 2019