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[Minnesota Public Radio, July 01, 2020]   If the past few months has you on edge, stressed, maybe even a little depressed, mindfulness meditation may help you get back on your path.
July 01, 2020
[Minnesota Public Radio, June 24, 2020]   When is a cough or sneeze more than just a cough or sneeze? Learn the symptoms of seasonal allergies and what sets them apart from COVID-19 symptoms.
June 24, 2020
[MPR News, May 13, 2020]   Dr. Charles Pogemiller is a hospitalist at Allina Health's Abbott Northwestern Hospital. He's been treating COVID-positive patients throughout the pandemic.
May 13, 2020
[MPR News, April 15, 2020]   Calls for ambulances have dropped 10 to 40 percent statewide. While sheltering in place has reduced common types of emergency calls across the country, Bruce Hildebrandt, ambulance operations manager for Allina Health EMS and president of the Minnesota Ambulance Association, said he’s worried the decrease in calls means people are forgoing the help they need because they’re afraid to ride in an ambulance that previously transported a COVID-19 patient.
April 15, 2020
[MPR News, April 14, 2020]   Grief can factor into all kinds of situations, and now in the COVID-19 era, it can even be with the loss of what used to be our normal way of life.
April 14, 2020
[KMSP Fox 9, March 22, 2020]   Heeding the call from Allina Health for donations of face masks , manufactured and handmade, members of the public Sunday started dropping off thousands of masks at Allina Health hospital throughout the region. Minnesota Public Radio News and WCCO-TV also reported on the collection effort.
March 22, 2020
[MPR News, March 10, 2020]   How are healthcare providers preparing for COVID-19? Is there enough capacity in terms of beds, and equipment?
March 10, 2020
[MPR News, February 11, 2020]   Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. More women die from heart attacks than men. Learn what women need to know about heart health.
February 11, 2020
[Minnesota Public Radio, January 17, 2020]   Drinking alcohol is a big part of how we socialize. But increasingly, people are choosing to abstain for a month or more for personal reasons. Learn more.
January 17, 2020
[MPR News, October 28, 2019]   Winter may not officially arrive for another two months but the temperatures are already starting to take a dive. How do you deal with the cold, snow & ice?
October 28, 2019